We think of our site as great piece of art and literature and the user's reality is much closer to "billboard going by at 60 miles an hour."
Fact#1 We Don't Read, We Scan.
Fact#2 We Don't Consider all Options, We Go for What We Like.
Fact#3 We Don't Learn, We Guess.
let the instructions be done in a line of words.
Omit Needless Words.
Clear Visual Hierarchy
The more important something is, the more prominent it is.
In latest eye-tracking studies, users decide very quickly which parts of the page have useful info and almost never look at other parts.
Why I return?
High Quality content
Often updated
Minimal download time
Ease of use.
轉載請註明: 轉自船長日誌, 本文鏈接地址: http://www.cslog.cn/Content/Web_Design_Usability_note/zh-hant/