Don't Make Me Think( Web Usability)

飞利浦 在广告中说科技应该像打开盒子一样简单.

Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug
Don't Make Me Think!-the first law.
What Make Us Think?
Names, Buttons,Search
Make a list.

The competition is always just one click away!
1.The task at hand
3.Free,Sex, and our own name
IT is a good idea to assume that everything is visual noise until proven otherwise.


Don't Make Me Think note 2

Never take more than 3 clicks to get to any page of the site.
Users don't mind a lot of clicks as long as each click is painless and they have continued confidence that they're on the right track.
NAV for Windows 95/98 -it makes me think!
Omit needless words.
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.
happy  talk must die
instructions must die
Searcher or Browser
Search ->Type a keyword -no needed
把LOGO,导航,帮助等不变的内容放到左边,不占用可用空间. 可用空间用来放内容和广告.
Every page needs a name
the name needs to be in the right place


Don't Make Me Think note 3

Show me what I'm looking for.
and what I'm not looking for.
Create a good impression
What is this?
What can I do here?
What do they have here?
Why should I be here-and not somewhere else?
Tagline: 没有围墙的大学
Where to start?
Here's where to start if I want to search.
Here's where to start if I want to browse.
Here's where to start if I want to sample their best stuff.


Don't Make Me Think note 4

does this pulldown,with these items and this wording in this context on this page create a good experience for most people who are likely to use this site?

and there's really only one way to answer that kind of question:testing.

ask for anyone to test the web, 1 error $6
<the End>


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