
Learning Ruby 4, Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are objects of type Regexp.

a = Regexp.new(‘^\s*[a-z]‘)   /^\s*[a-z]/
b = /^\s*[a-z]/               /^\s*[a-z]/
c = %r{^\s*[a-z]}             /^\s*[a-z]/
/i         case insensitive
/o         only interpolate #{} blocks once
/m         multiline mode – ‘.’ will match newline
/x         extended mode – whitespace is ignored
/[neus]    encoding: none, EUC, UTF-8, SJIS, respectively
e.g. b = /^\s*[a-z]/i

match operators
 =~ (positive match)
 !~ (negative match)

name = "Fats Waller"
name =~ /a/   →1
name =~ /z/   → nil
/a/ =~ name   →1

return the character position at which the match occurred.
$& receives the part of the string that was matched by the pattern
$` receives the part of the string thatpreceded the match,
$’ receives the string after the match.
The match also sets the thread-global variables $~ and $1 through $9.
$~ is a MatchData object

To illustrate how matching works, define a method:
def show_regexp(a, re)
  if a =~ re
    "no match"
show_regexp(‘very interesting’, /t/)   very in<<t>>eresting
show_regexp(‘Fats Waller’, /a/)        F<<a>>ts Waller
show_regexp(‘Fats Waller’, /ll/)       Fats Wa<<ll>>er
show_regexp(‘Fats Waller’, /z/)        no match

all characters except ., |, (, ), [, ], {, }, +, \, ^, $, *, and ? match themselves.
use ‘\’ to match these characters.
regular expression may contain #{…} expression substitutions.


By default, a regular expression will try to ?nd the ?rst match for the pattern in a string.

The patterns ^ and $ match the beginning and end of a line
\A matches the beginning of a string,
\z and \Z match the end of a string. (Actually, \Z matches the end of a string unless the string ends with a
, it which case it matches just before the

show_regexp("this is\n the time", /^the/)     this is\n<<the>> time
show_regexp("this is\n the time", /is$/)      this <<is>>\n the time
show_regexp("this is\n the time", /\Athis/)   <<this>> is \n the time
show_regexp("this is\n the time", /\Athe/)    no match

\b and \B match word boundaries and nonword boundaries
Word characters are letters, numbers, and underscores.
show_regexp("this is\n the time", /\bis/)   this <<is>>\n the time
show_regexp("this is\n the time", /\Bis/)   th<<is>> is\n the time

Character Classes
[aeiou] will match a vowel
[,.:;!?] matches punctuation

show_regexp(‘Price $12.’, /[aeiou]/)            Pr<<i>>ce $12.
show_regexp(‘Price $12.’, /[\s]/)               Price<< >>$12.
show_regexp(‘Price $12.’, /[[:digit:]]/)        Price $<<1>>2.
show_regexp(‘Price $12.’, /[[:space:]]/)        Price<< >>$12.
show_regexp(‘Price $12.’, /[[:punct:]aeiou]/)   Pr<<i>>ce $12.

           POSIX Character Classes
            Uppercase or lowercase letter[:alpha:]
            Blank and tab[:blank:]
            Control characters (at least 0×00–0x1f, 0x7f)[:cntrl:]
            Printable character excluding space[:graph:]
            Lowercase letter[:lower:]
            Any printable character (including space)[:print:]
            Printable character excluding space and alphanumeric[:punct:]
            Whitespace (same as \s)[:space:]
            Uppercase letter[:upper:]
            Hex digit (0–9, a–f, A–F)[:xdigit:]

sequence c1 -c2 represents all the characters between c1 and c2
a = ‘see [Design Patterns-page 123]‘
show_regexp(a, /[A-F]/)            see [<<D>>esign Patterns-page 123]
show_regexp(a, /[A-Fa-f]/)   s<<e>>e [Design Patterns-page 123]
show_regexp(a, /[0-9]/)      see [Design Patterns-page <<1>>23]                       
show_regexp(a, /[0-9][0-9]/)    see [Design Patterns-page <<12>>3]

If you want to include the literal characters ] and – within a character class, they must appear at the start.
Put a ^ immediately after the opening bracket to negate a character class
a = ‘see [Design Patterns-page 123]‘
show_regexp(a, /[]]/)        → see [Design Patterns-page 123<<]>>
show_regexp(a, /[-]/)        → see [Design Patterns<<->>page 123]
show_regexp(a, /[^a-z]/)     → see<< >>[Design Patterns-page 123]
show_regexp(a, /[^a-z\s]/)   → see <<[>>Design Patterns-page 123]

                      Table 5.1. Character class abbreviations
Sequence As [ . . . ]        Meaning
         [0-9]               Digit character   \d
         [^0-9]              Any character except a digit   \D
         [\s\t\r\n\f]        Whitespace character   \s
         [^\s\t\r\n\f]       Any character except whitespace   \S
         [A-Za-z0-9_]        Word character   \w
         [^A-Za-z0-9_]       Any character except a word character   \W

show_regexp(‘It costs $12.’, /\s/)   It<< >>costs $12.
show_regexp(‘It costs $12.’, /\d/)   It costs $<<1>>2.

a period ( . ) appearing outside brackets represents any character except a newline
a = ‘It costs $12.’
show_regexp(a, /c.s/)   It <<cos>>ts $12.
show_regexp(a, /./)     <<I>>t costs $12.
show_regexp(a, /\./)    It costs $12<<.>>

Repetition * ? {m,n}
       matches zero or more occurrences of r.   r*
       matches one or more occurrences of r.    r+
       matches zero or one occurrence of r.     r?
       matches at least “m” and at most “n” occurrences of r.   r{m,n}
       matches at least “m” occurrences of r.    r{m,}
       matches exactly “m” occurrences of r.     r{m}
       matches zero or more occurrences of previous regular expression(non greedy) *?
       matches one or more occurrences of previous regular expression(non greedy) +?

a = "The moon is made of cheese"
show_regexp(a, /\w+/)             <<The>> moon is made of cheese  
show_regexp(a, /\s.*\s/)           The<< moon is made of >>cheese
show_regexp(a, /\s.*?\s/)          The<< moon >>is made of cheese
show_regexp(a, /[aeiou]{2,99}/)    The m<<oo>>n is made of cheese
show_regexp(a, /mo?o/)             The <<moo>>n is made of cheese

Alternation |
a = "red ball blue sky"
show_regexp(a, /d|e/)                  r<<e>>d ball blue sky
show_regexp(a, /al|lu/)                red b<<al>>l blue sky
show_regexp(a, /red ball|angry sky/)   <<red ball>> blue sky

Grouping ()
Everything within the group is treated as a single regular expression.

show_regexp(‘banana’, /an*/)         b<<an>>ana
show_regexp(‘banana’, /(an)*/)       <<>>banana
show_regexp(‘banana’, /(an)+/)       b<<anan>>a
a = ‘red ball blue sky’
show_regexp(a, /blue|red/)             <<red>> ball blue sky
show_regexp(a, /(blue|red) \w+/)       <<red ball>> blue sky
show_regexp(a, /(red|blue) \w+/)       <<red ball>> blue sky
show_regexp(a, /red|blue \w+/)         <<red>> ball blue sky
show_regexp(a, /red (ball|angry) sky/)       no match
a = ‘the red angry sky’
show_regexp(a, /red (ball|angry) sky/)       the <<red angry sky>>

within the pattern, the sequence \1 refers to the match of the ?rst group, \2 the second group, and so on. Outside the pattern, the special variables $1, $2, and so on, serve the same purpose.
"12:50am" =~ /(\d\d):(\d\d)(..)/     0
"Hour is #$1, minute #$2"            "Hour is 12, minute 50"
"12:50am" =~ /((\d\d):(\d\d))(..)/   0
"Time is #$1"                        "Time is 12:50"
"Hour is #$2, minute #$3"            "Hour is 12, minute 50"
"AM/PM is #$4"                       "AM/PM is am"

look for various forms of repetition.
# match duplicated letter
show_regexp(‘He said "Hello"’, /(\w)\1/)   He said "He<<ll>>o"
# match duplicated substrings
show_regexp(‘Mississippi’, /(\w+)\1/)      M<<ississ>>ippi

match delimiters
show_regexp(‘He said "Hello"’, /(["']).*?\1/)   He said <<"Hello">>
show_regexp("He said ‘Hello’", /(["']).*?\1/)   He said <<’Hello’>>

Pattern-Based Substitution
String#sub performs one replacement
String#gsub replaces every occurrence of the match

a = "the quick brown fox"
a.sub(/[aeiou]/, ‘*’)      "th* quick brown fox"
a.gsub(/[aeiou]/, ‘*’)     "th* q**ck br*wn f*x"
a.sub(/\s\S+/, ”)         "the brown fox"
a.gsub(/\s\S+/, ”)        "the"

a = "the quick brown fox"
a.sub(/^./) {|match| match.upcase }         "The quick brown fox"
a.gsub(/[aeiou]/) {|vowel| vowel.upcase }   "thE qUIck brOwn fOx"

def mixed_case(name)
  name.gsub(/\b\w/) {|first| first.upcase }
mixed_case("fats waller")               "Fats Waller"
mixed_case("louis armstrong")           "Louis Armstrong"
mixed_case("strength in numbers")       "Strength In Numbers"

Backslash Sequences in the Substitution
"fred:smith".sub(/(\w+):(\w+)/, ‘\2, \1′)   "smith, fred"
"nercpyitno".gsub(/(.)(.)/, ‘\2\1′)         "encryption"
\& (last match),
\+ (lastmatched group),
\` (string prior to match),
\’ (string after match),
\\ (a literal backslash)

str = ‘a\b\c’                "a\b\c"
str.gsub(/\\/, ‘\\\\\\\\’)   "a\\b\\c"

str = ‘a\b\c’            "a\b\c"
str.gsub(/\\/, ‘\&\&’)   "a\\b\\c"

str = ‘a\b\c’               "a\b\c"
str.gsub(/\\/) { ‘\\\\’ }   "a\\b\\c"

n modi?er(japanese)
    def unescapeHTML(string)
      str = string.dup
      str.gsub!(/&(.*?);/n) {
         match = $1.dup
         case match
         when /\Aamp\z/ni           then ‘&’
         when /\Aquot\z/ni          then ‘"’
         when /\Agt\z/ni            then ‘>’
         when /\Alt\z/ni            then ‘<’
         when /\A#(\d+)\z/n         then Integer($1).chr
         when /\A#x([0-9a-f]+)\z/ni then $1.hex.chr
    puts unescapeHTML("1&lt;2 &amp;&amp; 4&gt;3")
    puts unescapeHTML("&quot;A&quot; = &#65; = &#x41;")
    1<2 && 4>3
    "A" = A = A

Object-Oriented Regular Expressions
re = /(\d+):(\d+)/     # match a time hh:mm
md = re.match("Time: 12:34am")
                        → MatchData
md[0]         # == $&   → "12:34"
md[1]         # == $1   → "12"
md[2]         # == $2   → "34"
md.pre_match # == $`    → "Time: "
md.post_match # == $’   → "am"

re = /(\d+):(\d+)/     # match a time hh:mm
md1 = re.match("Time: 12:34am")
md2 = re.match("Time: 10:30pm")
md1[1, 2]   → ["12", "34"]
md2[1, 2]   → ["10", "30"]

re = /(\d+):(\d+)/
md1 = re.match("Time: 12:34am")
md2 = re.match("Time: 10:30pm")
[ $1, $2 ]   # last successful match       ["10", "30"]
$~ = md1
[ $1, $2 ]   # previous successful match   ["12", "34"]

Regex Characters List
.          any character except newline
[ ]        any single character of set
[^ ]       any single character NOT of set
*          0 or more previous regular expression
*?         0 or more previous regular expression(non greedy)
+          1 or more previous regular expression
+?         1 or more previous regular expression(non greedy)
?          0 or 1 previous regular expression
|          alternation
( )        grouping regular expressions
^          beginning of a line or string
$          end of a line or string
{m,n}      at least m but most n previous regular expression
{m,n}?     at least m but most n previous regular expression(non greedy)
\A         beginning of a string
\b         backspace(0×08)(inside[]only)
\b         word boundary(outside[]only)
\B         non-word boundary
\d         digit, same as[0-9]
\D         non-digit
\S         non-whitespace character
\s         whitespace character[ \t\n\r\f]
\W         non-word character
\w         word character[0-9A-Za-z_]
\z         end of a string
\Z         end of a string, or before newline at the end
(?# )      comment
(?: )      grouping without backreferences
(?= )      zero-width positive look-ahead assertion
(?! )      zero-width negative look-ahead assertion
(?ix-ix)   turns on/off i/x options, localized in group if any.
(?ix-ix: ) turns on/off i/x options, localized in non-capturing group.

Special Character Classes:
[:alnum:]   alpha-numeric characters
[:alpha:]   alphabetic characters
[:blank:]   whitespace – does not include tabs, carriage returns, etc
[:cntrl:]   control characters
[:digit:]   decimal digits
[:graph:]   graph characters
[:lower:]   lower case characters
[:print:]   printable characters
[:punct:]   punctuation characters
[:space:]   whitespace, including tabs, carriage returns, etc
[:upper:]   upper case characters
[:xdigit:]  hexadecimal digits

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Learning Ruby 4, Number, String and Range

Fixnum Bignum
123456                  => 123456   # Fixnum
0d123456                => 123456   # Fixnum
123_456                 => 123456   # Fixnum – underscore ignored
-543                    => -543     # Fixnum – negative number
0xaabb                  => 43707    # Fixnum – hexadecimal
0377                    => 255      # Fixnum – octal
-0b10_1010              => -42      # Fixnum – binary (negated)
123_456_789_123_456_789 => 123456789123456789 # Bignum

?a       => 97  # ASCII character
      => 10  # code for a newline (0x0a)
?\C-a    => 1   # control a = ?A & 0x9f = 0×01
?\M-a    => 225 # meta sets bit 7
?\M-\C-a => 129 # meta and control a
?\C-?    => 127 # delete character

    3.times        { print "X "}
    1.upto(5)      {|i| print i, " " }
    99.downto(95)  {|i| print i, " " }
    50.step(80, 5) {|i| print i, " " }
    X X X 1 2 3 4 5 99 98 97 96 95 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Double-quoted & single-quoted strings
'escape using "\\"'   escape using "\"
'That\'s right'       That's right
"Seconds/day: #{24*60*60}"      Seconds/day: 86400
"#{'Ho! '*3}Merry Christmas!"   Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
"This is line #$."              This is line 3
#{ expr }. If the code is just a global variable, a class variable, or an instance variable,you can omit the braces.
    puts  "now is #{ def the(a)
                        'the ' + a
                    } for all good coders…"
    now is the time for all good coders…

to construct string literals
%q/general single-quoted string/   general single-quoted string
%Q!general double-quoted string!   general double-quoted string
%Q{Seconds/day: #{24*60*60}}       Seconds/day: 86400
string = <<END_OF_STRING
    The body of the string
    is the input lines up to
    one ending with the same
    text that followed the '<<'

 If it is an opening bracket “[”, brace “{”, parenthesis “(”, or less-than sign “<”, the string is read until the matching close symbol is found. Otherwise the string is read until the next occurrence of the same
1.8 delimiter. The delimiter can be any nonalphanumeric or nonmultibyte character.

mins, secs = length.split(/:/)
mins, secs = length.scan(/\d+/)

class WordIndex
  def initialize
    @index = {}
  def add_to_index(obj, *phrases)
    phrases.each do |phrase|
      phrase.scan(/\w[-\w']+/) do |word|   # extract each word
        @index[word] = [] if @index[word].nil?
  def lookup(word)
 the exclamation mark at the end of the ?rst downcase! method is an indication that the method will modify the receiver in place

Ranges as Sequences
The two-dot form creates an inclusive range, and the three-dot form creates a range that excludes the speci?ed high value.
my_array = [ 1, 2, 3 ]

(1..10).to_a          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
('bar'..'bat').to_a   ["bar", "bas", "bat"]

digits = 0..9
digits.include?(5)                   true
digits.min                           0
digits.max                           9
digits.reject {|i| i < 5 }           [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
digits.each {|digit| dial(digit) }   0..9
spaceship operator
<=> compares two values, returning −1, 0, or +1 depending on whether the ?rst is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.

class VU
  include Comparable
  attr :volume
  def initialize(volume)  # 0..9
    @volume = volume
  def inspect
    '#' * @volume
  # Support for ranges
  def <=>(other)
    self.volume <=> other.volume
  def succ
    raise(IndexError, "Volume too big") if @volume >= 9

medium_volume = VU.new(4)..VU.new(7)
medium_volume.to_a                    [####, #####, ######, #######]
medium_volume.include?(VU.new(3))     false

Ranges as Conditions

Ranges as Intervals
seeing if some value falls within the interval represented by the range.
(1..10)    === 5         true
(1..10)    === 15        false
(1..10)    === 3.14159   true
('a'..'j') === 'c'       true
('a'..'j') === 'z'       false

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韩国八十年代的动作电影,看以看到 “前”时尚时代。


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Learning Ajax 3, Prototype Reference


Chapter 10. Prototype Reference
10.1. Ajax Support

Ajax.Request, Ajax.Updater, and Ajax.PeriodicalUpdaterall of which inherit from Ajax.Base. After that is the Ajax.Responders object, which handles global events related to Ajax calls.

new Ajax.Request('/data.html', {
  method: 'get',
  onComplete: showResponse

// alert the returned value
function showResponse(request) {

callback could also be defined inline.
new Ajax.Request(' /data.xml', {
  method: 'get',
  onComplete: function(request){ alert(request.responseText); }

defined for specific HTTP response codes
new Ajax.Request(' /data.xml', {
  method: 'get',
  on404: function(request){ alert('Not found'); },
  on500: function(request){ alert('Server error'); }

Ajax Updaters

// <div id="target">(To be replaced)</div>

new Ajax.Updater('target', '/data.html', {method: 'get'});

This next example is the same as above, but it updates the element only if the request was successful and alerts the user if not:
// <div id="target"></div>

new Ajax.Updater({success: 'target'}, '/data.html', {
  method: 'get',
  onFailure: function(request) { alert('Sorry. There was an error.') }

Periodical Ajax Updaters
/ <div id="target"></div>

new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('target', '/data.html', {
  method: 'get',
  frequency: 2

Global Responders
  onCreate: function(  ){
    $('spinner').show(  );
  onComplete: function(  ) {
    if(Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0)
      $('spinner').hide(  );

10.2. DOM Manipulation
 $( )
document.getElementById( )
// <p id="one">One</p>
// <p id="two">Two</p>

$('one').toString(  );
// => '[object HTMLParagraphElement]'

$('one','two').toString(  );
// => [object P],[object P]

$($('one')).toString(  );
// => [object HTMLParagraphElement]

$F( )
$F( element ) returns the value of any  field input control
// <input type="text" id="userName" value="Joe Doe">
// <select id="state">
//   <option value="NY">New York</option>
//   <option value="CA" selected="selected">California</option>
// </select>

// => "Joe Doe"

// => "CA"

The Selector class (and its accompanying $$( ) method) allows you to reference page elements by their CSS selectors

$$('form#foo input[type=text]').each(function(input) {
  input.setStyle({color: 'red'});

// By tag name, including wildcard

// By id and class

// By combinations of tag, id, and class

// By ancestors
$$('#foo strong *')
$$('strong#foo span')

// By attribute existence

// By attribute value and negated value

// By whitespace-tokenized attribute value

// By hyphen-tokenized attribute value

// By multiple attribute conditions

// Combining multiple expressions
$('#foo', '#bar')

// Create a Selector instance
fooFinder = new Selector('.foo');

// Find all elements in the document with the class 'foo'
fooFinder.findElements(  );

// Find all elements within the 'container' element with the class 'foo'

// Determine whether the 'bar' element has the class 'foo'

// Find all elements with class 'foo' from the descendants of 'container'
Selector.matchElements($('container').descendants(  ), '.foo');

// Find the first element with the class 'foo' from the descendants of 'container'
Selector.findElement($('container').descendants(  ), '.foo');

// Find the second element with the class 'foo' from the descendants of 'container'
Selector.findElement($('container').descendants(  ), '.foo', 1);

// Find all elements with the class 'foo' within 'container'
Selector.findChildElements($('container'), ['.foo']);

// Find all elements with the class 'foo' or the class 'bar' within 'container'
Selector.findChildElements($('container'), ['.foo', '.bar']);

Element Methods
var myElement = $('target2');
Element.update(myElement, 'Hello');

$('target').toggle(  );
var myElement = $('target2');

$('target').update('Hello').addClassName('big').show(  );

10.2.5. class Element.ClassNames
10.2.6. Inserting Content

// <span id="name">Douglas</span>
new Insertion.Before('name', 'Hello, ');
new Insertion.Top('name', 'Scott ');
new Insertion.Bottom('name', ' Raymond');
new Insertion.After('name', '.');

10.2.7. Element Positioning

10.2.8. Form Observers

10.3. Core Extensions
10.3.1. Array Extensions
10.3.2. Hashes
10.3.3. Ranges
10.3.4. Enumerable

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