Learning Ajax 3, form and form observer

with <ajax on rails>

make fake form with the combination of link_to_remote and :submit option

3.4 Ajax Forms



<%= form_tag :action => 'reverse' %>
  <p>Text to reverse: <%= text_field_tag 'text_to_reverse' %></p>
  <p id="reversed2"></p>
  <p><%= submit_to_remote 'submit', 'Reverse!',
          :update => 'reversed2',
          :url => { :action => 'reverse' } %></p>
<%= end_form_tag %>
the form can be submitted both via Ajax or non-Ajax methods. Consider this variation with two submit buttons
a common application for submit_to_remote would be checking a form for validity before actually submitting it for creation.

Form Observers

If :with doesn't contain an equal sign character (=), it's interpreted as a name for the parameterso foo becomes 'foo='+value. But if :with does contain an equal sign, it remains untouchedso foo=bar remains foo=bar.

:function => "alert(value)"

Observing an Entire Form
<form id="myForm">
  <p>Text to reverse: <%= text_field_tag 'text_to_reverse' %></p>
  <p id="reversed"></p>

<%= observe_form 'myForm',
      :update => "reversed",
      :url    => { :action => 'reverse' } %>
an observer for the form with the ID myForm, so that whenever any of its fields change, an Ajax.Updater call is created accordingly, which passes the serialized form values to the server.

此條目發表在 Ruby on Rails 分類目錄。將固定鏈接加入收藏夾。
